Thursday, October 15, 2009


From Wikipedia:

Isostasy (Greek isos = "equal", stásis = "standstill") is a term used in geology to refer to the state of gravitational equilibrium between the earth's lithosphere and asthenosphere such that the tectonic plates "float" at an elevation which depends on their thickness and density.

Raster patterns [Rastterp]

A set of basically symmetrical patterns for the rhythmic cycle technique found in my piano quintet work for Ne(x)tworks called Raster:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Radel Taalmala Digi-100

Along with Arav's first set of tabla, I bought one of these at the harmonium manufacturer Sharma Musicals in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India (45 minutes east of Delhi)

Radel Tallmala digi-100 Electronic Tabla

vis a tergo

Like the Evangelists, like Saint Luke, the arist is not a free agent obeying only his own will. His situation is rigidly bound by a chain of prior events. The chain is invisible to him, and it limits his motion. He is not aware of it as a chain, but only as vis a tergo, as the force of events behind him. The conditions imposed by these prior events require of him either that he follow obediently in the path of tradition, or that he rebel against the tradition. In either case, his decision is not a free one: it is dictated by prior events of which he senses only dimly and indirectly the overpowering urgency, and by his own congenital peculiarities of temperament.

Excerpted from The Shape of Time by George Kubler, pg. 50